Assalamualaikum! Greetings fellow human and android and robots.
Because of not updating for such a long time, I guess I will write about my current status and issue that will not turn into tissue
So for 6 month for semester 1 in UITM Puncak Alam so may things were running on.
Ces title dalam BM taip BI ape masalah dak nih? (-__-lll) ske hati lar
Kat palam aku masuk group F2 yang dipenuhi ngan makhluk2 dan manusia2 yang aneh...maksud aku normal je diorang nih. Awal-awal masuk cam segan2, malu2 kucing tak mandi, tapi lama2 okay la. Secara tidak sengaja aku dilantik jadi Ketua kelas, Class rep, Wakil kelas, samalah ape2 pun nak panggil jawatan ni. Awal2 kena mmg rasa malas lar nak wat benda2 nih tapi dah dipaksa so cuba jer lar. "Senang sahaja agaknya kerja wakil kelas", hatiku berkata (mode: novel jap HAHA). Ya Allah! bukan senang tak duduk diam aku dibuatnya ade je kerja yang nak kena buat tapi kerja2 tu kerja yang senang dan kebiasaannya ialah memfotokopi nota2 dan assignment yang berhelai-helai (biasanya dalam 100min - 900+max helai). Group F2 ni ade 29 orang mula ade 31 tapi mereka sudah keluar dan mendapat tempat belajar yang lebih bagus Alhamdulillah.
Enough for that, (ape ni tukar2!? sukew hati lar ) about my current studies in fountain!? NO! its foundation in science. Its kinda tough well maybe because of me lacking concentration in lecture and stuff and stuff...well there yea go, the final exam for semester 1 is over and yea tomorrow is the result. If my pointer is low than its a point of no return to semester 2 for foundation in science, I will be taking diploma if the pointer is lower than 2.00 and if I failed a subject, I need to take the retest and its sucks! (nobody like re-test admit it) so hopes that everything turned out to be "okay" as in "okay" (errr..what is this? HAHA (@_@) nvm) so yea thats what going on and SOMEBODY LIKED ME!! OHOHO (^_^) yea of course they like my status/comments in Facebook HAHA (about this person Ill tell yea later) :3
see yea later, Peace and Dive out !!